Project STRIDE
We expose and engage high school students in clinical research.
Project STRIDE
We expose and engage high school students in clinical research.

2021 Project STRIDE Cohort Research Titles
2021 Project STRIDE Cohort Research Titles
Adam Barrios: "Investigating Clinical Trial Drugs Used in Breast Cancer Treatment That Target Fibroblast Growth Factor Proteins and Epidermal Growth Factor Proteins"
Akali Warmsley: "The effects of Food Insecurity on dietary health of adult IBD and IBS patients in South Los Angeles (SPA 6)."
Amiee Padilla: "Disparity of Physicians for Adolescent IBD/IBS Patients in Disadvantaged Service Planning Areas in Los Angeles County"
Celeste Garcia: "Identification of P53 protein role in suppressing cancer cells"
Heidy Marcelino: "COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in the Latinx Community"
Nayla Cardosa: "The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Inequalities And Mental Health Problems In The Adolescent Population"
Priya Bhavsar: "The tumor microenvironment of VEGF-A and its inhibition"
Raul Luis: "A Systematic Review of Youth Participatory Action Research and Mental Health Interventions"
Roelvi Fuentes: "Study On the Mechanism of Diabetes-Related Breast Cancer"
Taylor Daniels: "Cancer Survivorship and Caregiver Leadership Education for Clergy Wives & Widows"
Viridiana Morales-Hernandez: "The Relationship between Depression and High-Risk Behaviors in Adolescents"
Yareli Juarez: "Cancer Survivorship Support in Churches"
2022 Project STRIDE Cohort Research Titles
Afia Ahmed: "Asian-Americans, Infertility, and Sociocultural Factors Affecting Mental Health: Proposing New Initiatives"
Andrew Castro: "Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Pricing, Sales, and Purchases of Homes in a Low-Income Communities vs High-Income Communities"
Ash Foster: "The Psychological Impact of HIV/AIDS on Women and MSM"
Crystal Valera: "Rise- Up! HIV Intervention for Young Adolescent Girls of Zambia"
Ivan Ixtlilco: "Conceptual Review of Epigenetics and Cardiovascular Disease in Urban Ecology"
Jesse Amaya: "Conceptual Review of the Relationship Between Urban Ecology and Mental Health"
Kazi Ahmed: "Assessing the Impact of P53 in Cancer"
Maylee Diep: "Human Immunodeficiency Virus Prevention Program Outcomes in Zambia"
Quetzal Beltran: "Outcomes of COVID-19 on the HIV Community and HIV Care Continuum in Los Angeles"
Shaun Thomas: "Examining Biological, Socioeconomic, and Behavioral Colorectal Cancer Risk Factors in SPA 6 vs. LA County"
Virginia Sanchez: "Prevalence of Depression in Type 1 Diabetic Young People: A Literature Review"
2023 Project STRIDE Cohort Research Titles
Alyssa Hernandez: "Conceptual Framework for Incorporating FOCUS for Healthy Living into Childhood Obesity Care"
Ariel Mancilla: "What is the association between e-cigarette use and the development of hypertension in individuals?"
Camila Gonzalez: "Behavioral Intervention to Reduce Contracting HIV Infection for Latinas in the US: A Literature Review"
Cynthia Rojas: "The Role of Religiosity/Spirituality on Improving the Burden of Mental Health in Latino Informal Caregivers of AD Patients: A Review/Scoping Review Study"
Davian Quezada: "Impacts of Waterborne Contaminants on SPA 6 Communities"
Jevan Dorbor: "Vaping Affects Circadian Rhythm in Mice to Cause Liver Diseases"
Julius Hernandez: "Discovering Solutions to Reduce Particulate Matter in Wilmington"
Katherine Juarez: "Developing a Peer Education Space for Youth Mental Health: Applying Youth Participatory Action Research"
Ritushree Ganguli: "The Effects of E-Cigarettes on Myogenesis"
Valeria Oliver: "Sociocultural Factors Influencing Mental Health and Service Use among Mexican Immigrant Adults in the United States: A Systematic Literature Review"
Ximena Zuniga: "How Has Redlining Played a Role in the Air Pollution Responsible for Harming Thousands of Black and Hispanic Residents in Los Angeles"
2024 Project STRIDE Cohort Research Titles
Alexander Estrella: "Role of CARF in Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases"
Christopher Venegas: "Myogenic Skeletal Muscle Cells are Damaged by Electronic Cigarette Inhalation"
Courtney Hammond: "Electronic Cigarettes Increase Protein Levels of HIF-1α and CD36 in the Hearts of Mice"
Elijah Macon: "Exercise Increases Metabolites for Improving Cardiovascular Health"
Hannah Palma: "Examining MudTown Farms' Efforts to Address Food Insecurity in SPA 6 and Serving the Community"
Inaya Reddick: "Exploring Youth Perspectives on Mental Health in Los Angeles Communities"
Isaiah Munoz: "In Vitro Evaluation of the Anti-cancer Effect of Arctigenin in Breast Cancer Cells"
Jonathan Luna: "Anti-breast Cancer Effect of a Natural Compound Arctigenin in Xenograft Mouse Models"
Lynijah McKnight: "Impact of Urban Farming on Community Health: A Case Study of Mudtown Farms and the Neighboring Communities"
Vanessa Uvera: "Comparison of Various Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) Isolation Methods Based on Different Principles"
Zion Chung: "Examining the Impact of Disparities in Childhood Obesity: A Literature Reviews"